Re-purpose...because we were made for love

I am really getting excited about all of this re-purposing stuff. I have oogled and aahed at Pinterest photos for a couple of years but have never been the recipient of such a cool creation; until recently when my son and daughter-in-law created a bench out of an old pallet and head/foot board. I love it. (Check out my Facebook page to see it!)
In my own way I have been reusing items a while now. I re-purpose items that are on their way out as I’m de-cluttering because they seem too good to let go of. Like for instance this picnic basket.
In all honesty, this basket was used only a couple of times for an actual picnic. I would transport goodies to the boys who waited eagerly in the back of the Jimmy. Those were fun days. We had our lunch, as dad calls it, in the back end of the vehicle because we didn’t have an outdoor table and the “American dream” of picnicking occurred in the spring when the ground was still wet and cold. Fast forward many years and it’s time to get rid of the basket. I was still a bit attached and it was in such good shape. Solution!? Re-purpose into a flower container.
I have spent a lot of time over the last couple of years working on re-purposing my mind as well. This is something I am passionate about when I speak and coach. It is scriptural and scientific. Renewing (re-purposing) of the mind. If the mind has been used for a purpose other than love…it needs some redoing, renewing, re-purposing. Negative self-talk is not love. Bitterness is not love. Pessimism is not love. Unforgiveness is not love. Beating yourself up is not love. These can and need to be replaced because we were made for love. Our purpose is to love and be loved. Period.
Today I started reading the book Switch on your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf. I have read Who Switched Off Your Brain and completed the 21-Day Brain Detox by the same author. It’s good to get the reminder. Today this quote from her book touched me…”it’s your attitude and not your DNA that determines much of the quality of your life.” To me this means that I have a choice regardless of my parents, grandparents or any other factor including circumstances; to make a choice. Make a choice on how I want my thoughts to go. I highly recommend reading her book/s and start implementing the tools available to all of us. I tell you this is good stuff.
It’s exciting to know and see that the old can become new again. Whether it be a pallet, basket, or my mind and brain. Very exciting.
Join me in the journey. You can be re-purposed too!
P.S. …be transformed by the renewal of your mind…Romans 12:2 ESV
You’ll be changed from the inside out. Message Bible